Fränk and Andy Scleck enjoyed the fanclub meeting. More than 200 visitors attended at the meeting. Among them was mayor
of the Luxembourg town Mondorf, Maggy Nagel.
After a few warm welcome words by fanclub president Serge Petro, secretary Jean Mousel spoke about the activities
of the fanclub. Mousel spoke about the good results of both CSC riders but also about the injust Luxembourg sportsman of the
year elections, where Andy and Fränk unjustly only became second and third.
After cashier René Thill reported about the healthy fanclub financial situation, the programm of both riders was announced
to the members of the fanclub.
Mayor Maggy Nagel congratulated both riders in the name of the whole community of Mondorf and also spoke about the ashaming
sportsman of the year election.
The fanclub donated a check of 1000 Eurofor a good cause. The president of the charity organisation ALAN received the check
and was thankful for the help of the fanclub and Fränk and Andy Schleck.