Christian Prudhomme and Patrice Clerc. (© Cyclingheroes) |
After todays 12th stage of the Tour de France there was a press conference with Tour director Christian Prudhomme and ASO
president Patrice Clerc in the media center in Narbonne (France).
Patrice Clerc said: "Just before midday, we received a telephone call from Pierre Bordry, director of the French Agency
for the Fight against Doping, informing us of the positive control of Riccardo Ricco, and the fact that the notification of
that control had been handed over to the rider. The team Saunier-Duval, whom we subsequently spoke to, took the decision to
withdraw from the race."
"It’s a rough day for cycling. We continue to deplore the stupidity, and there is no
other word, which is to defy the rules that have been established. But I also believe that it is not surprising that we have
caught them."
"You can not want a clean cycling, and not want to clean up cycling. What happens now is the illustration
our unwavering determination in the fight against doping. The AFLD, which acts totally independently, said it was determined
to make every effort. And it has. It seems that some did not believe, or not understand, our resolve."
"I think we
will go on to win the game. The AFLD has conducted controls prior to the Tour on all riders involved. All were analyzed. Three
riders are no longer in the race, because they have cheated. But the vast majority of the peloton is made up of honest riders."
Prudhomme: "The enemy is doping"
"The controls were often mocked in the past, but that attitude is not welcome today
as we have seen the effectiveness of the tests carried out by the AFLD. Everyone knows that our determination is absolute."
"At the start of the Tour in Brest I said, behind closed doors, to riders: ‘You have the keys.’ That is
to say that we have a choice to do his job, or do something else… And I note with pleasure that the gap between those
who cheat and those who want to catch them is rapidly diminishing."
"I think we have to remember, in essence, the
positive side of this situation. What happened today is good news for the fight against doping, and is great news for riders
"Those who attack cycling are persecuting the wrong enemy. The enemy is doping. Quit. Otherwise, it would
give reason to those who cheat."
Prudhomme said:""I don't know if it is organized doping." and than said he saw that Saunier Duval riders Leonardo Piepoli
and Juanjo Cobo were performing on an different level during Mondays stage 10 (Hautcam).
Saunier Duval will probebly not start at next years Tour de France and it looks like the Spanish team didn't pull
out of the race completely voluntarily. Saunier decided to leave the race "after I told them it could have massive consequences
if they wouldn't," Prudhomme said.
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