Pat McQuaid is angry with the Spanish Cycling Federation. (© Heinz Zwicky) |
Peloton TV Olympic Games 2008: Isabel Moreno Positive For Epo
UCI President Pat McQuaid said: "The Moreno case is disappointing. Once more the Spanish Federation and authorities, whose
behaviour in this regard has not always been irreproachable in the past, have to ask themselves some questions."
This regrettable episode has not however affected the very pleasing response to the first days of competition. The UCI
President Pat McQuaid commented:
"We have witnessed two magnificent races held on a fascinating course under completely different conditions: both the heat
of Saturday's race and yesterday's heavy rain contributed to making the events more difficult but more spectacular. We saw
top-class athletes battling it out for the Olympic medals. In particular, I would highlight the performance of the women who
displayed an immense amount of courage during an event that was very hard right from the start."
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