Jan Ullrich during this years Giro d'Italia (picture: Cyclingheroes) |
As reported the state prosecuter of Bonn announced intermediate results in two weeks. The Swiss cycling federation made confusing statements in the past and still did not open disciplinary proceedings
against Jan Ullrich.
Asked about the role that the Swiss cycling federation is playing in the case, Marcus Hotze
told Cyclingheroes: "Fact is that Swiss cycling is not in charge but even if they will open disciplinary proceedings
they have nothing with which to open the case. The Madrid court ruled that the Puerto documents can only be used in the court
case against doctor Fuentes and in addition to that the court ruled that the UCI is not a party in the case. "
As reported in a statement on Jan Ullrich's website, Ullrich said that one of the reasons he will leave the Swiss cycling federation are
"conflicting statements" by representatives of the federation.
Asked about the Puerto documents, Hotze said: "The court of Madrid opened an investigation because
of unauthorized circulation and modification of the Puerto documents. It is totally unclear who has which version of the Puerto
documents. The author of the Guardia Civil's Puerto report will have to appear at a court hearing as an accused. The people
who are responsible for this have a considerable problem."
The unauthorized circulation of court documents is against Spanish procedural law and the modification
of the documents or the possible falsification as co-owner of Active Bay, Manolo Saiz calls it in his complaint of August
13, is a crime in Spain.
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Operacion Puerto: evidence seems sparse and quite vage (part 2)
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